At the University of Reading studying ÊBSc Environmental Management you will learn about the increasing conflicts related to its management for different purposes. These include food production, renewable energy, protection of soil and water resources, nature conservation, urban development and the provision of space for recreation and tourism. Our BSc Environmental Management enables you to build on your interests and to prepare for a career in this area.

During this degree you will learn about the technical, scientific and socioeconomic aspects of environmental issues, and develop methods for tackling them. The course focuses on the needs of employers and you will develop your professional skills alongside your scientific knowledge, using exercises such as mock consultancies. Additionally, you will carry out a short industry placement and have the chance to study abroad.

You will be able to tailor this course to suit your specific interests. You can follow either the Landscape and Countryside Management pathway or the Global Environmental Management pathway by selecting specific optional modules, or choose your own route by selecting modules from each. The Landscape and Countryside Management route has a stronger biological emphasis and covers topics such as land management, nature conservation and farming. The Global Environmental Management pathway covers more of the wider international aspects of the environment, such as policy, human geography and environmental issues such as pollution and climate change.

There is a strong practical element to the course and you will usually carry out field trips once a week during the first two years. The University of ReadingÕs award-winning campus is home to over 1,000 different animal species and is extremely useful for learning fieldwork skills. It offers multiple habitats for study and allows you to step straight from the classroom to the field. Meanwhile, the University's large farms provide access to hedgerow and marshland environments, as well as the River Thames. Additionally, you will visit Pembrokeshire and Devon, where you will be able to examine habitats not found in Reading. During the final year you will carry out an independent project, and will normally be embedded within one of the School's research groups, working alongside leading academics. Our specialist areas include land management, biodiversity conservation, climate change and food security.

Our staff are actively engaged in research and will tailor their teaching to reflect changing trends and emerging technologies within the sector. You will also benefit from small class sizes, enabling staff to support you better through your studies. Our BSc Environmental Management course is linked to environmental courses offered by other departments and you will be able to tap into their specialist knowledge.

What career can you have?

This course will provide you with a range of transferable skills, including communication, problem solving, personal development planning, time management and information technology.

As a graduate you will have the core knowledge needed for a range of careers in fields such as environmental management, nature conservation and natural resource management. The Landscape and Countryside Management modules pathway can be a doorway into land management or conservation careers at local authorities or non-governmental organisations such as the RSPB, National Trust or Wildlife Trusts. The Global Environmental Management route, on the other hand, will enable you to move into jobs that focus on policy, such as roles within consultancy.

Furthermore, the skills learned through the course can be transferred to other sectors such as rural development, estate management, project management and teaching. It is also an ideal stepping stone for further study and research.