Take centre stage - break the boundaries in a vibrant and creative environment that encourages interdisciplinary and multimedia approaches to performance. Become a skilled practitioner with a focus on physical performance, confident use of your voice, collaboration and critical awareness. YouÕll develop a spirit of curiosity that extends beyond the traditional, embracing alternative approaches to performance making. Professional development throughout will open up exciting career possibilities.

WeÕre very proud of our National Student Survey (NSS) 2017 return showing 97% of students found our staff are good at explaining things. 97% found the course intellectually stimulating, and all of our student respondents expressed overall satisfaction with the course.

  • Be among the first to experience our stunning, new, purpose-built performing arts facility, The House.
  • Develop a strong career portfolio with work-based learning and professional development opportunities that will boost your skills and expertise, and enhance your employability.
  • Benefit from the breadth of the course which explores different aspects of theatre and performance, embracing contemporary, alternative, interdisciplinary and multimedia approaches. You can also try your hand at devising your own performances - work with professional practitioners and explore your own style.
  • Advance your creative practice with talks, master classes and workshops with visiting companies and internationally recognised performers; in the past these have included Action Hero, Low Profile, John Nettles, Wildworks, Lone Twin, Earthfall and Robert Lyons.
  • Perform with our graduate touring company that visits schools and colleges across the country, mentoring young people.
  • Enrich your experience at Plymouth with the opportunity to attend shows and performances by well-known practitioners and companies, both locally and in London, or study overseas with our exchange programme.
  • Benefit from free texts provided in year one, intensive residency with a visiting company in year two (past residencies have included Gecko, Analogue Theatre Company and Liz Aggiss), and a production budget available for your final degree performance.
  • Build up your studio practice time with intensive teaching delivery and production rehearsals, giving you the same experience youÕd gain with a professional theatre company.