At the University of Reading studying the MA Communication Designs - Book Design you will develop your work through briefed and self-directed projects that engage with emerging experimental publishing strategies as well as the current demands of professional practice. You will develop both your design skills and your ability to write reports and evaluate designs in relation to audience/user needs and production practicalities.

A lively studio environment is fostered through assignments for clients, practical projects set by practising designers, and through access to traditional and digital printing facilities.

As well as working with our own extensive special collections, we make visits to archives and libraries in Oxford and elsewhere, ensuring a truly hands-on experience of book history. Through our partnership with the Institute of Contemporary Arts and collaboration with the London Centre for Book Arts, we also have excellent venues for London-based activities.

You will develop your knowledge and analytical skills through lectures, seminars, and directed reading. Supported by workshops on research-based writing, your dissertation will allow you to focus on a specific aspect of historical or contemporary book design, through consideration of both practice and critical discourse.

The programme is led by Ruth Blacksell with contributions from Rick Poynor. Visiting academics, researchers and professional designers such as Paul Luna, Fraser Muggeridge and Lozana Rossenova ensure that you are challenged by a wide range of genres and approaches. Whenever possible, you can join students on our other MA programmes for taught elements, enhancement activities and to hear visiting speakers.