• The University of East London offers M.A in Architecture and Urbanism program for a duration of 1 year.
  • It is an on-campus program and available Full-time and Part-time.
  • The MA in Architecture and Urbanism builds upon UEL's legacy of world-leading form generation through computational design explored through the work of the university’s late senior lecturer, Paul Coates. This involves using parametric and object-oriented design methodologies seamlessly with rapid manufacturing and visualization techniques available within the school.
  • Whether students want to expand their field of expertise or deepen it, this unique one-year course will enrich their knowledge and enhance their career in the fields of Computational Design, Design for Digital and Robotic Construction, or Urban Design. 
  • The course is aimed at architecture graduates wishing to specialize in advanced digital design processes, and at those within the built environment – such as planners, engineers, or designers. 
  • Job opportunities after the M.A in Architecture and Urbanism, and the average salary goes up to 57,254USD.