• The University of East London offers Post-Graduate Diploma in Law program for a duration of 1 year.
  • It is an on-campus program and available Full-time and Part-time.
  • A master’s degree in law is a fantastic way for law graduates to develop a specialization, or for non-lawyers working in related fields to gain a deeper understanding of legal issues.
  • The course is perfect for lawyers and law graduates looking for career development, although all of LLM courses can be studied by students without a background in law since students will be trained in the necessary analytical and legal skills.
  • Since the law is a vast and diverse subject, the university offers a huge amount of flexibility in this general LLM programme. Students also have the option of taking one of specialist pathways that focus on different topics.
  • The pathways that align to these major research strengths in areas like legal education, international legal research, and human rights – but students can study modules from all these areas if they opt for the general LLM. Alongside the optional modules, they may choose to either write a 15,000-word dissertation or conduct a work-based project that will give them valuable experience of dealing with a specific legal issue in detail.
  • The programme also offers an optional placement year, following students the first year. Placements will be provided and supported either by the university or a partner organisation where students will gain worthwhile and practical real-world experience in handling issues relating to aspects of social welfare law. This is a unique and exceptional opportunity for them to work in law. International students wanting to do the Placement year must indicate so upon application. 
  • As such, the programme will also provide ideal training for paralegals, journalists, NGO and charity workers, policy advisors, consultants, lawyers, those working in business and finance or anyone who will benefit from a legal education in their career.
  • Job opportunities after the Post-Graduate Diploma in Law, and the average salary goes up to 188,000USD