• The University of East London offers B.Sc in Computing for Business program for a duration of 3 years.
  • It is an Honours program and available Full-time and Part-time.
  • Computing for the Business degree is an exciting program that combines core computing skills along with a strong business focus.
  • The main ethos of this course is to give students the skills and practical experience employers are looking for, while the university's strong emphasis on entrepreneurship equips them with enough organizational skills to allow them to maximize their business potential.
  • Industrial Liaison Board maintains close links with industry and employers, ensuring the course reflects the latest developments in business practice and technological development.
  • Students will have the opportunity to work on projects in the local community and further afield, applying and developing knowledge and providing practical solutions for real-life problems. 
  • Job opportunities after the B.Sc in Computing for Business, and the average salary goes up to 88,458USD.