• The University of East London offers B.Sc in Computer Game Development program for a duration of 3 years.
  • It is an Honours program and available Full-time and Part-time.
  • The Computer Games Development course differs slightly, though, with its emphasis on the application of traditional software development and programming skills to game and gameplay design.
  • In the first year, students will look at the basic theoretical and practical aspects of games design and development. One day students could be deconstructing Asteroids or Pac-Man, the next creating their own board game.
  • Students will be learning about graphics and prototyping production techniques as well as games theory.
  • In the second year, students will concentrate on more detailed games design as well as studying games research methods. Students will also get the chance to apply their developing knowledge by working for a live client.
  • Students will gain valuable insights into all aspects of professional practice. It’s not just about designing games but about communicating their ideas properly, so they take part in presentations and pitches.
  • In the final year, students will complete an individual research and dissertation project. A group of students will also conceptualize, design, and develop an original game to give them a proper feel for how the games industry works.
  • Job opportunities after the B.Sc in Computer Game Development, and the average salary goes up to 66,666USD.