The DClinDent Degree integrates academic activities with clinical practice and research up to level 8 of FHEQ and covers all the topics in the GDC (UK) Specialist Curriculum.

This programme will:

  • Familiarise you with up-to-date, novel and evidence based clinical practices in paediatric dentistry
  • Give you hands-on training with children and adolescents
  • Allow you to participate in medical paediatric clinics
  • Provide research training to professional doctorate level.

Postgraduate Dental students will have access to laboratories and equipment, including those at the Dental Biophysics and Material Departments in Mile End, and Blizard Institute in Whitechapel, with their world class facilities, to carry out state-of-the-art biomedical research, including:

  • X-Ray Microtomography, Optical Coherence Tomography, facial and body laser scanners.
  • Nanovision units with novel scanning electron microscopes and atomic force microscopes.
  • Confocal microscopy unit, incorporating two confocal microscopes, enabling advanced 3-D imaging of living cells.