You will receive training in a wide range of research techniques to enable you to build up a substantial profile of experimental skills so that you can tackle research projects with confidence. Typically this includes hands-on use of instrumentation for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, chromatographic and vacuum systems, the manipulation of air-sensitive materials, and training in state-of-the-art scientific computing and modelling.

As well as completing a large-scale research project students will enrol for a small number of taught modules, consisting of lectures and seminars.

Highlights of this programme include:

  • Undertaking an in-depth individual research project, you will develop the skills necessary to investigate a new area of chemistry and present the results both verbally and in writing.
  • You will work in modern, well-equipped laboratories. Our new Homogeneous Catalysis Laboratory and Laboratory of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry were opened in 2012.
  • Some members of staff in the School have set up spin-out companies where students have found employment or direct involvement with management.