A Data Scientist is a highly skilled professional, who is able to combine state of the art computer science techniques for processing massive amounts of data with modern methods of statistical analysis to extract understanding from massive amounts of data and create new services that are based on mining the knowledge behind the data. The job market is currently in shortage of trained professionals with that set of skills, and the demand is expected to increase significantly over the following years.

The course leverages the world-leading expertise in research at Queen Mary with our strategic partnership with IBM and other leading IT sector companies to offer to students a foundational MSc on the field of Data Science. The MSc modules cover the following aspects:

  • Statistical Data Modelling, data visualization and prediction
  • Machine Learning techniques for cluster detection, and automated classification
  • Big Data Processing techniques for processing massive amounts of data
  • Domain-specific techniques for applying Data Science to different domains: Computer Vision, Social Network Analysis, Bio Engineering, Intelligent Sensing and Internet of Things
  • Use case-based projects that show the practical application of the skills in real industrial and research scenarios.

Students will be offered lectures that explain the core concepts, techniques and tools required for large-scale data analysis. Laboratory sessions and tutorials will put these elements to practice through the execution of use cases extracted from real domains. Students will also undertake a large project where they will demonstrate the application of Data Science skills in a complex scenario.

The programme is offered by academics from the Networks, Centre for Intelligent Sensing, Risk and Information Management, Computer Vision and Cognitive Science research groups from the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. This is a team of more than 100 researchers (academics, post-docs, research fellows and PhD students), performing world leading research in the fields of Intelligent Sensing, Network Analytics, Big Data Processing platforms, Machine Learning for Multimedia Pattern Recognition, Social Network Analysis, and Multimedia Indexing.