Alongside a suite of substantive modules offered in conjunction with the School's Global Health MScs, the programme includes core modules in research design, qualitative and quantitative methods taken jointly with social science students from a range of disciplines across QMUL, Kings College London and Imperial College as part of the training offered by the ESRC funded London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership.

Students who successfully complete the programme will be able to move on to a PhD and eventually work in health policy and other fields of public health and public policy with a global perspective and equipped to enhance capacity and work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams on behalf of local populations.

Why study the MRES in Global Health Law and Governance?

Global public health has become a subject of study across several disciplines, including biomedicine, political economy, sociology and anthropology, epidemiology and statistics, health services research, and policy studies. Law has also been amongst these, but has rarely been the focus of dedicated study in the context of global public health. Yet legal frameworks and instruments continue to evolve and to shape and influence both the content and delivery of standards and policy goals.