The LLM in Environmental Law is an interdisciplinary programme, encompassing legal, political and human rights issues of environmental protection, whilst drawing on expertise from colleagues in other Queen Mary departments, including geography, human rights and physics.

Your fellow students will come from the UK and more than 80 other countries, each able to draw on prior academic and in many cases professional experiences from different jurisdictions to enrich discussion and debate in class.

Why study your LLM in Environmental Law at Queen Mary?

The School of Law has consistently been ranked in the top 10 law schools in the UK for the quality of our research and teaching, and many of our internationally recognised staff act as advisers to governments, industry and NGOs, both nationally and internationally.

The Postgraduate Law Centre is based in LincolnÕs Inn Fields, Holborn, the legal district of London, close to law firms, chambers and the Royal Courts of Justice.