• MA in Linguistics at the Queen Mary University of London is offered as a 1-year program by the School of Languages, Linguistics, and Film.
  • This university is ranked #12 in the best global universities in the United Kingdom according to the U.S. News and World Report.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis only.
  • The School of Languages, Linguistics, and Film are friendly and collaborative, bringing a vibrant range of disciplines together.
  • They teach and research subjects from practical filmmaking to postmodern literature, and from experimental neurolinguistics to Brazilian Portuguese. 
  • Students will be taught by passionate, inspiring staff of international standing: our academics are leaders in their fields. 
  • The MA in Linguistics offers advanced training in core areas of linguistics and provides four pathways for students to choose from: conversion, general, formal, and sociolinguistics. 
  • Pathway choices allow students to tailor their specialization to specific needs and interests while retaining the broad degree title of MA in Linguistics. 
  • The degree additionally offers students the opportunity to gain practical experience in conducting and applying linguistics research.
  • In addition to their dissertations, students can take our unique Research Practicum option, in which they undertake a research partnership either with a member of staff on an ongoing research project or with one of our private or public sector partners (in past years these have included the British Library, the British Museum, and the BBC Pronunciation Unit). 
  • Students will be able to attend our training workshops throughout the year, which will provide specialist linguistics training, as well as guidance on how to write journal articles, research ethics, and knowledge transfer in general.