Questions of ethics and whether we can consider film as a document; of how film works on our bodies as an affective medium; the reasons for filmÕs close affinity to urban, cosmopolitan and diasporic cultures; and the historical legacy of film as an international, and now transnational medium, are all central to the course. In exploring these questions, you will be introduced to some of the liveliest and most important chapters in the history of cinema.

The MA is both a valuable qualification in its own right and a pathway if you wish to study subsequently for a PhD in Film Studies.

This programme will:

  • Allow you to explore key aspects of film analysis, theory, history and practice.
  • Give you the opportunity to develop practical film making, scriptwriting, and directing skills, as well as study theoretical modules.
  • Offer you the chance to debate cutting edge issues in Film Studies. ÊCompared to other Film Studies departments, Queen Mary has particular strengths in new areas of research in Film Philosophy, in Ecocinema and Screening Nature, and in film outside the cinema Ð in art galleries, on public screens, across social media.