If you want to teach in higher education or private schools we can help you to gain a professional qualification (at your expense), such as a Certificate in English Language to Adults (CELTA) in addition to your masters award.

On this course, you will learn the basic methods and theories of language teaching and language learning, which will provide a base from which you can then specialise in a number of areas according to your interests: optional modules allow you to specialise in curriculum design and materials evaluation, to focus on educational technologies and software, to explore the teaching of English in professional and academic contexts, or, for those with a non-language undergraduate degree, to work on some of the fundamentals of English language, grammar and vocabulary.

  • You will be encouraged to reflect on language learning strategies, in a real context, by becoming a learner yourself: as part of the programme, you are required to learn a foreign language for one semester.
  • You will be provided with opportunities to observe experienced English language teachers teaching in real classroom situations, and to reflect on best practice.
  • You will receive a thorough grounding in the theoretical aspects of language teaching and learning.
  • You will have opportunities to apply these theories by micro-teaching in a peer based environment.