Why study BSc Sport and Exercise Science - Teaching and Coaching Sport (Hons)Êat Middlesex University?

We are one of the UK's leading universities for sports education. Our cutting-edge degree allows you to explore the full potential of sport and exercise science while focusing on teaching and coaching through a focused module. You will learn how to confidently develop an individual's physical and psychological fitness to maximise their performance and become adept at confidently planning and preparing physical education and coaching sessions in line with national standards.

We produce self-disciplined, professional sports science graduates who perform at the highest level (including competing and winning medals at the London Olympics 2012). Like all of our sports pathways, you can either apply directly to this course or to the general BSc Sport and Exercise Science programme and choose your specialism at the end of year two.

Work placements are an important part of this course and you will spend 50 hours on a placement each year. The placements will focus on coaching groups or individuals and could be with a fitness centre, a sports club or a sports development project. You will produce reports and logbooks based on your experiences. You will be supported in locating your placements.

Course highlights
  • Our modern facilities at Allianz Park include research labs, rehabilitation, conditioning, and health and fitness suites
  • Our industry links give you access prestigious work placements with some of the UK's leading sports organisations
  • Our staff are active sports professionals. Many are involved in coaching, sport massage and sport performance and maintain close links with industry, integrating professional practice into your studies
  • We work closely with prestigious sports organisations like Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and Saracens Rugby Club, enabling you to build professional contacts while you study
  • As a student of this course you'll receive a free electronic textbook for every module.