The BAÊHonours Television Production degree from Middlesex University Êcourse is one of the most hands-on television degrees in the UK. We provide an in-depth education in the production of documentary, drama, and entertainment formats. You will learn about researching, producing, writing, directing, editing and filming for location and studio-based productions and multi-platforms.
A substantial proportion of the course is undertaken in production groups, with an emphasis on teamwork, supported by technical and skilling tutorials. There is considerable freedom in the second and third years to decide which roles you want to develop particular expertise and the degree offers a unique opportunity to pursue a Technical Arts degree pathway and exit award for students passionate about Technical Craft roles like Camera Operator, Sound Recordist and Editor. The degree culminates in a final production where you have the opportunity to fully express your creativity and independence across the TV genres in which you hope to specialise.
Course highlights:
This course has been awarded
We have some of the finest television production facilities and high-end professional resources in UK higher education Ð find out more in the
Tutors are all television professionals and our visiting lecturers include professional directors, producers and broadcasters from leading organisations like the BBC and Input Media, ensuring that you are in close contact with the industry throughout the course