• Bachelor of Science in Microbiology at Imperial College London is a 3-year program.
  • It is an on-campus, 180 credits program offered on a full-time basis.
  • Biological Sciences at Imperial aims to understand the behavior of living systems from the level of cells up to whole organisms and ecosystems.
  • This specialist course focuses on all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
  • Students may also experience peer teaching and be taught by specialists external to the College.
  • In year 2, Student study further core modules including virology and genetics.
  • In the final year, students will complete a research project on a topic of their choice, and choose from an even wider selection of modules such as epidemiology, immunity, and infection, and a tropical biology field course.
  • Students will also benefit from access to outstanding facilities, including for genomic and cell biology studies, tissue culture suites, and the most modern microscopes.
  • Students will spend time in the laboratory, lectures, tutorials, and seminars, as well as undertake site visits, a group project, and a research project.
  • After completion of the Imperial degree, students will also receive the award of the Associateship of the Royal College of Science (ARCS).
  • Imperial’s Department of Life Sciences comprises one of the largest life science groups in Europe.