The rate at which we are able to create data is rapidly accelerating. According to IBM, globally, we currently produce over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data a day. This ranges from biomedical data to social media activity and climate monitoring to retail transactions. These enormous quantities of data hold the keys to success across many domains from business and marketing to treating cancer or mitigating climate change.

The pace at which we produce data is rapidly outstripping our ability to analyse and use it. Science and industry are crying out for a new generation of data scientists who combine the statistical skills of data analysis and the computational skills needed to carry out this analysis on a vast scale.

The MSc Data Science programme,Êoffered by Goldsmiths, University of London,Êprovides you with these skills.Ê

Studying this Masters, you will learn the mathematical foundations of statistics, data mining and machine learning, and apply these to practical, real world data.

As well as these statistical skills, you will learn the computational techniques needed to efficiently analyse very large data sets. You will apply these skills to a range of real world data, under the guidance of experts in that domain. You will analyse trends in social media, make financial predictions and extract musical information from audio files.Ê

The degree will culminate in a final project in which you will you can apply your skills and follow your specialist interests. You will do a novel analysis of a real world data of your choice.Ê

The programme includes:

  • A firm grounding in the theory of data mining, statistics and machine learning
  • Hands-on practical real world applications such as social media, biomedical data and financial data with Hadoop (used by Yahoo!, Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, IBM, Amazon, and many others), R and other specialised software
  • The opportunity to work with real-world software such as Apache


Data Science is one of the fastest growing sectors of employment internationally. Big Data is an important part of modern finance, retail, marketing, science, social science, medicine and government.Ê

The study of a combination of long established fields such as statistics, data mining, machine learning and databases with very modern and strongly related fields as big data management and analytics, sentiment analysis and social web mining, offers graduates an excellent opportunity for getting valuable skills in advanced data processing.Ê

This could lead to a variety of potential jobs including:Ê

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Mining Analyst
  • Big Data Analyst
  • Hadoop Developer
  • NoSQL Database Developer
  • R Programmer
  • Python Programmer
  • Researcher in Data Science and Data Mining