The aim of the English programme, offered by Goldsmiths, University of London, is to expand your knowledge and understanding of your chosen topic. You'll carry out independent research under the guidance of a supervisor, and in the context of a structured programme of study.

You'll attend the Department's Postgraduate Research Methods series, and either a Research Skills Workshop or a Research Skills series. You'll also be encouraged to attended Methods and Resources day schools that are offered by the Institute of English Studies at Senate House.Ê

You'll also attend, but not be assessed on, at least one appropriate Masters level module offered in the Department of English and Comparative Literature in the first term of study. Your supervisor may advise you to attend selected elements of the module only and to focus on a particular problem within the syllabus. Attending the module will enable you to take part in discussions, and to refine and nuance your understanding of different perspectives on a topic.Ê


This programme will enable you to develop transferable skills, including:

  • enhanced communication and discussion skills in written and oral contexts
  • the ability to analyse and evaluate different textual materials
  • the ability to organise information
  • the ability to assimilate and evaluate competing arguments


Our graduates have gone on to pursue careers in publishing, journalism, public relations, teaching, advertising, the civil service, business, industry, the media.