The project of Curatorial/Knowledge is simultaneously a teaching programme for postgraduate research and a mechanism for bringing together the experiences of working within art institutions and environments with modes of theoretical reflection and analysis being explored within the university.Ê

Both forums urgently require a complex mode of dialogue and exchange with one another, one in which experience and reflection can come together. As the boundaries between theory and practice continue to erode, we all feel the need to explore how these might come together beyond context or illustration.

The area of inquiry explored by this degree is Ôthe curatorialÕ as differentiated from ÔcuratingÕ. One of the main reasons to differentiate between these two concepts is in order to open up a space of theoretical reflection and speculation consistently missing within the ever-increasing activity of curating and its professionalisation.Ê

The conjunction of the title ÔCuratorial/KnowledgeÕ implies an understanding of curating as the production of and engagement with knowledge. Thus ÔknowingÕ is not the absorption of information and materials, and neither simply analysis and interpretation, but rather something we actively produce through our various practices.??