The programme offers the possibility of engagement with the study of the cultural sector in developing and managing tourism and hospitality.

Cultural policies designed to support the arts sectors to enhance high value added tourism and to increase lengths of stay and repeat visits are increasingly being adopted by governments worldwide with the support of the tourism and hospitality sector.

This Tourism and Cultural Policy programme, offered by Goldsmiths, University of London,Êapplies to those wishing to work in the arts and tourism sectors or perhaps in galleries and theatres associated with the hospitality sector. It is also for art practitioners and cultural professionals who wish to develop careers involving cultural tourism, cultural policy, culture-led regeneration and destination, city and country branding. It is also relevant to work in NGOs or the cultural policy arms of government and intra-governmental organisations and consultancies.

Specialists from academia and industry

The MA is run by the Institute of Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE) and is designed for students from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds. It is taught by specialists from academia and industry, ensuring a high level synthesis of practice based knowledge and cutting edge research. Both the staff and student body at ICCE have extensive international experience, enhancing peer-to-peer learning and providing an excellent base for networking and gaining contacts worldwide.

Study in London

Studying the role of culture in tourism in a London setting is a unique experience, providing access to some of the worldÕs most renowned culture and event led regeneration projects that include the legacy of the London Olympics and many other major projects. ICCE also has links with an extensive network of organisations, businesses, policy advisors, consultancies and cultural practitioners that provide exceptional research and study opportunities, such as Creative England, Tourism Concern and