With an industry-informed curriculum, this future-focused Digital Journalism programme, offered by Goldmsiths, University of London, combines computing and media and communications to reflect digital journalism at its most current.

Imagine getting your work recognised by Tim Berners Lee, having your project featured in the The New York Times, or winning the GuardianÕs student digital journalist awards. These are the kinds of things that happen on this dynamic programme.Ê

The questions we ask

From delivering news on wearables, to the latest developments in live reporting, the questions we ask are informed by an industry panel featuring the heads of digital at organisations including The Guardian, the Financial Times, and the BBC. We want to define the transformative nature of digital journalism so we explore critical and entrepreneurial approaches and get hands-on, experimenting with the latest journalistic innovations.Ê

The processes we use

ItÕs really important for us that you graduate with a set of core digital journalism skills so half of the degree focuses on the computing side of the discipline and half on media and communications. This means you get a holistic Digital Journalism programme, offered by Goldmsiths, University of London, where you study the foundations of digital journalism and practise it in its most current forms.YouÕll have the chance to study multimedia and interactive journalism, look at interactive documentaries, digital reporting, and video journalism. YouÕll also learn coding, so you can get to grips with using algorithms and data sets, and do social network analysis to monitor whatÕs going on behind the screens.

The approach we take

Through our partnerships with BBC news labs and The TimesÕ development team, we make sure weÕre keeping up with industry but also working with it.ÊWe want you to reimagine the medium while youÕre here, so you get the chance to specialise in your own area of interest for your final project. This could be anything from an interactive website to a video production using interactive story telling and text.Ê We offer a lot of support when it comes to the coding side of the course. A boot camp before the start of the programme gives you an introduction to some of the techniques and languages.Ê

What you go away with are the core skills for news writing, video, and computational techniques and some amazing industry contacts.


Our graduates have gone on to work within diverse roles from delivering communications for UNICEF in Bangladesh, to creating content for Rolling Stone magazine in New York.