We usually accept research students into the Department of Visual Cultures on the basis of a match between your proposed research and the current research interests of the department as well as an assessment of your qualifications and suitability to undertake a research degree.

PhD seminar

In addition to regular tutorials with your supervisor, you will attend the MPhil/PhD Visual Culture seminar in your first and second years of study. This is a weekly seminar dedicated to research questions and theoretical problems of study at MPhil/PhD level. It has the additional aim of fostering a supportive and participatory postgraduate research culture in the Department.

Other courses, seminars, workshops and events

As well as participating in the PhD Seminar you are invited to audit an MA Special Subject of your choice should this be helpful. At key moments throughout the year, MPhil/PhD students on the Visual Culture programme join students on our MPhil/PhD Curatorial/Knowledge programme and there are also opportunities to benefit from seminars and workshops associated with our Centre for Research Architecture.

The Visual Cultures Public Programme

You are to attend the departmentÕs Visual Cultures Public Programme. These events take place on Thursday evenings and are followed by an opportunity to socialize with staff, fellow students and other attendees.