Why study Games Programming (Hons) at Goldsmiths, University of London?

From day one youÕll be developing games - mobile, casual, social media and AAA console games. WeÕll help you harness your creativity, build your technical programming skills, and get to grips with the software, and working practices, that are used by the games industry.

This is a very practical course. YouÕll leave us a with an extensive portfolio of work that you can present to potential employers.

You'll have the option of taking an industrial placement year between the second and final year, allowing you to gain invaluable work experience that will enhance your career prospects.

The skills taught during the course are also applicable to other areas of computing such as mainstream programming jobs, mobile app development or web development, or could lead to Masters level study in games programming.


This programme aims to prepare students for a career programming in the games industry. Students would be able to take on jobs in many sectors in the games industry such as mobile games, casual game, social media games, and for the most successful students, AAA console game development. Students would also be able to progress to masters level study in games programming, which is an established route into high profile game development studios. The skills taught in the course are also applicable in other areas of computing such as mainstream programming jobs, mobile app development or web development.

Where do Goldsmiths computing graduates work?

Some of the recent graduate level careers for computing graduates have included:

  • Video game developer
  • Mobile App developer
  • Film special effects and post-production
  • Application programmer
  • Web developer
  • Computer music/sound engineer
  • Interface designer
  • Systems analyst
  • Database manager

Employers include:

  • FDM Academy
  • Hepco Motion
  • ACL
  • KCom