Why study the Integrated Degree in History at Goldsmiths, University of London?
  • There are no formal entry requirements for this course, weÕre just looking for enthusiasm. The first year is the foundation where youÕll study history modules alongside classes to help you develop study skills and build your confidence. If youÕre successful in your first year, youÕll progress onto our BA History degree, which youÕll study for another 3 years. You'll also be able to apply for one of our joint honours degrees.
  • You may be a mature student, or someone who has faced difficulties which caused you to underperform in exams. Whatever your story, itÕs likely that youÕre nervous about studying history at undergraduate level. DonÕt worry. WeÕll get you to where you need to be with plenty of tailored support.
  • Studying history at university level allows you to explore the past from multiple angles. It encourages you to question assumptions and challenge narratives. YouÕll gain an understanding of the vast scope of historical study and develop the skills needed to approach the subject critically.
  • YouÕll explore history at both a local and national level through a focus on the lived experience of ordinary people. This includes looking at the history of our local area Ð one of our modules focuses on the history of South London. YouÕll explore the history behind elements of our urban environment from tattoos to Pentecostalism.


If you successfully complete the Foundation Year and progress to degree level, you'll develop your critical and analytical skills, your ability to express ideas clearly and your expertise in gathering insights from a range of subjects. Historical research enables you to gather and select from a range of materials Ð literary and visual. It teaches you to write with imagination and clarity.

Former students have forged careers in journalism and the media, museums and galleries, the Civil Service, teaching and research, law and the commercial world, but the skills learned are also applicable to many more industries and roles. You can find out more about career options after graduating on our dedicated History careers page.

History at Work

History at Work is an exciting and innovative new initiative which will offer some second and third year students taking History single and joint honours programmes the chance to apply their academic skills within the workplace.

Students spend one day a week over one term undertaking a project within a museum, archive or library: places which collect, process and present the 'raw material' of history.

The project might involve archiving, conservation, building an exhibition, or developing a public engagement project. Students will be invited to apply for places on the programme each February. It should give students a great chance to test out their career ideas, develop skills and increase their employability.