The PhD at Durham University hasÊthree-year full-time or six-year part-time options, typically with an October start but January and, in special cases, April starts are also possible.

In a typical three-year structure, year one will set the foundations of your research, year two will involve you carrying out your research, and year three will involve you completing your research and writing your thesis. You will do all this under the close guidance of your supervisors, although we would also expect you to be focused and self-disciplined, to take critical thinking to the highest level, and typically aspire to a career in management, marketing, finance, accounting, or economics research.

As you might expect, the entry requirements for the Durham PhD are rigorous so please check these carefully. Amongst them will be the submission of a good research proposal which will help us to match your proposed studies to a set of appropriate supervisors from our faculty. This is why normally only applicants with a sufficiently strong research methods background would be recommended for direct admission to the standard PhD by Research.

Our staff are highly qualified researchers and teachers, passionate about their subjects and committed to ensuring you achieve your full potential in a supportive learning environment and research community.