This degree covers pure, applied, statistics and probability. You will cover the background to all areas in the first year, while in the second year you can begin to specialise if you want, allowing you to choose to fully specialise in one area, or to choose a broader range of modules in the third year. In your final year, you will develop your research and communication skills in the module Project III.

Whether you are looking for a Single Honours degree, or wish to combine Mathematics with other subjects, Durham University offers a distinct blend of high-quality teaching and research along with excellent facilities and a stimulating environment for your studies. Whichever degree you choose, you will benefit from research-led education by experts in a wide variety of fields across pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and probability.

With a modern curriculum you will learn from the most cutting-edge and relevant teaching, enabling you to develop the mathematical knowledge and skills needed for further study or to gain employment in a wide range of sectors.