YouÕll study at this MSc in Quantitative Finance from City, University of London core modules focusing on asset pricing, risk management and introductions to key financial securities such as equities, fixed income securities and derivatives. From there youÕll progress to specialist learning in econometrics, and cover a large amount of stochastics and numerical methods.

YouÕll cover basic and advanced topics in econometrics including ARCH and GARCH models, co-integration and dealing with high frequency data. You will also have the opportunity to work with a number of different estimation techniques, including OLS, Maximum Likelihood and GMM.

Career opportunities

The job opportunities for students from the three quants masters programmes are very similar. similar. They usually find employment with large investment banks, but also some smaller boutique finance firms, hedge funds or other specialist companies.

Working as a general or technical analysts, risk management position, working on fixed income security desks and the asset management industry including hedge funds are typical jobs which students from the MSc Quantitative Finance go into. Energy companies, such as Npower, have also recruited quants students. Students from the MSc Quantitative Finance will have covered more topics relating to forecasting and regression analysis.