Who is it for?

This postgraduate Project Management, Finance and Risk programme offered by City, University of London is for those pursuing or planning a career in managing the introduction of capital goods or applying the latest project management techniques to complex projects. It is particularly suited to students with a scientific or financial engineering background as we cover quantitative risk assessment in depth, which requires an aptitude for measuring and analysing data.


Consider the risks contained within a project such as the Euro Tunnel. Two governments sponsoring the project and nine billion pounds of finance ring-fenced through a special purpose company to complete it. Will it be finished on time and will it secure the revenues to service the debt? These are the kinds of questions we address on this programme.

MSc Project Management, Finance and Risk from City, University of London gives you a foundation in quantitative risk assessment and decision-making under uncertain conditions, coupled with classical engineering economics and financial engineering.

From analysing indecision within games theory to rebuilding a countryÕs infrastructure, we explore the drivers in which businesses operate, and the challenges and opportunities that project managers face. Bringing in expertise from the Sir John Cass Business School, together with people from industry and the banking sector, we pool diverse skill sets to solve complex problems.

Career prospects

Graduates completing the course will be prepared for a wide range of careers involving project management, risk management and financial planning. From banking to management and from engineering consultancies to the pharmaceuticals industry, this programme gives you diverse options when it comes to developing your career and being part of key decision-making processes.

If you want to work in infrastructure management and development, which involves management of supply chain and/or financial risks, the programme will be particularly relevant. Additionally, the course is ideal if you are planning a career in any of the following areas:

  • Capital goods
  • Management consultancy
  • Risk analysis in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Project management in the construction Industry
  • Investment banking
  • Banking analysis
  • Financial risk analysis
  • Real estate management
  • Marketing management
  • Aircraft engineering
  • Entrepreneurship