Who is it for?

This Computer Science with Cyber Security degree offered by City, University of London is suitable for students who are looking for a successful career in technical computing, with interests in the various roles directly and indirectly connected to the world of computer, network and information security.

You should be motivated to understand how computer systems are built and excited by the rapid pace of change in the field.


The degree focuses on how software and programming work, together with specialist content in computer security. Starting with core foundational skills, such as programming, the course progresses to cover a range of computing topics with a focus on practical application, while maintaining a strong theoretical underpinning.

During the course you will become ethical hackers as you are challenged to identify flaws in computing devices and networks; to cryptanalyse classical and modern ciphers; and to trace attacks while auditing systems.

There is an ever-growing need for sharp, code-literate, motivated graduates in an industrial sector that makes a multi-billion pound contribution to the UK economy.

Career prospects

Careers include roles connected to the world of computer, network and information security, software development and research-based careers in the IT industry and higher degrees, such as a PhD.