Who is it for?

This programme is for recent graduates, and those already working, with a strong grounding in mathematics, good imagination and creativity and an appreciation for data. The MSc also requires programming experience, preferably, but not limited to, Java, C++ or Python.You will need to have a degree in mathematics, engineering or computer science, or a degree in natural sciences, including psychology. You must also be able to envisage and create models and algorithms so you can work with data to find out what it means and says.


What is Artificial Intelligence? AI seeks to simulate intelligence and apply the resulting algorithms to solve real-life problems. AI professionals are in huge demand in fields including health, finance, transport and energy, as well as in neuroscience.On City's MSc in Artificial Intelligence, you learn advanced AI technology and how to apply it to problems in data classification, prediction and forecasting, optimization, as well as in computational modelling of learning and behaviour.Our focus is on the most commercially applicable form of AI, known as Deep Learning - developing adaptable artificial neural networks (ANNs) that replicate how the brain works. You also explore the wider issues of ethics, accountability and trust that surround AI and how "Explainable AI" is used to interpret the functioning of complex ANNs.