Who is it for?

This MRes Clinical Research course at City, University of London has been designed for students who wish to develop their quantitative and qualitative research methods and applied data analysis, from basic to advanced levels to advance their careers and become leaders in their clinical field.


Knowledge and critical understanding of clinical research methods are becoming increasingly important skills for all professionals in the health, social care and private sectors, where an evidence based approach, supported by academic rigour is crucial to decision making, clinical practice and delivery of integrated services.

The MRes Clinical Research will provide you with training in quantitative and qualitative research methods and applied data analysis from basic to advanced levels as well as provide opportunities to apply this research knowledge to clinical settings.

We will enable you to produce high quality, publishable research and give you the skills and knowledge to develop your clinical academic research career to become a leader in your clinical field.

You will learn from experts in clinical research who are renowned nationally and internationally.

Career prospects

As a student on this course you will receive the research and academic training to become a clinical academic researcher across all health service settings including the NHS, charities, industry, government, private practice and academic and research settings.

You will gain vital transferable skills which are applicable to all health and medical related careers where attention to detail, conducting research and evaluation for evidence based practice, and report writing is a career advantage.

MRes Clinical Research graduates may also choose to advance to doctoral studies on completion of the programme.