Is education a force for reproduction or transformation in the world? Does education change the world or maintain the current system - for example, can it alleviate the effects of poverty or does it increase existing inequalities?

These are just some of the questions we consider in this Master's degree, where college explore the links between education (all forms of informal and formal learning, across all age ranges, including adult, higher and professional education), and social and political movements, and develop understandings of how 'education' as a contested field should be viewed within a globalised and postcolonial context.

Taking an interdisciplinary approach to thinking about education, college draw on the arts and humanities as well as the more conventional representations of education in social science. College explore key debates on what is the role of education and how people learn, developed from a range of viewpoints, including critical theory.

Studying this course in Education, Power and Social Change at Birkbeck, University of London may also contribute to their professional development. In previous years, some students have used the qualification to take their careers in new directions, while others have used the programme to deepen their thinking about their current practice.