Computing forms an integral part too, both as an aid to understanding the Mathematics course material at Birkbeck, University of London and in problem-solving. Students will develop an understanding of a range of mathematical skills, together with the abstract background to help students make sense of this material.

A mathematics or statistics graduate is highly numerate. But studying mathematics is also excellent training in logical thought. Mathematicians are not satisfied with an observation until they have proved it to be true. By learning mathematics and statistics, students learn to construct reasoned, structured arguments. The tools of analysis, whether it be modelling situations with appropriate equations or using statistics to analyse data sets and test hypotheses, have countless applications.

Training in the mathematical sciences is highly valued by employers. Graduates in these subjects are in great demand and earn on average 10% more than other graduates. Around 35% have jobs in business or finance, with the next most popular choice being teaching, at around 10%.