Many of the major challenges facing college planet, such as climate change, future energy production or living with natural hazards, require a thorough understanding of how the Earth has behaved in the past and how it works today. College accredited BSc Geology degree provides all the key skills students need to understand the inner workings of college planet. Students will study subjects ranging from geophysics and palaeontology through to volcanology and sedimentology. Students will develop skills in the manipulation of scientific data, critical assessment of scientific hypotheses and experience actual scientific research during project work.

College teaching philosophy is based around flexibility, allowing students to fit the degree around their lifestyle. College embrace new technology and methods to make  degrees accessible to all and have been running remote as well as face-to-face lectures for more than 20 years. This means students can attend classes with  internationally distinguished researchers in our world-class laboratories in London or students can watch live streams/recorded lectures at home using cutting-edge online teaching platform. Students are free to mix both these methods to find the best balance for them.