BSc Financial Economics will provide students with a core set of technically demanding, yet applications-oriented, skills in financial economics and an extensive knowledge of the financial sector. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills needed for working in professions requiring economic and financial literacy. Studnets will also gain hands-on experience in academic research and data analysis, as a practical project is an integral part of the degree.

This is a rigorous course that combines an open admissions policy with high standards. Where there are gaps in their previous education college will fill those gaps, but students will also achieve the same standard of training in the core skills of finance and economics as in any other financial economics degree in the UK. The course is fairly demanding in terms of its use of quantitative techniques. If students have not studied maths for some time, college offer an intensive two-week evening preliminary or refresher course prior to the start of the degree.

The course features two pathways, which allow students to focus either on the technical or the applied aspects of financial economics.