This Journalism and Media course at Birkbeck, University of London offers a unique multidisciplinary approach, challenging you to develop an understanding of the political, historical, cultural and social contexts in which journalists operate. This academic emphasis is complemented by solid practical modules, in which you will learn how to write, create and curate across a range of journalistic specialisations, genres and platforms - from the more traditional to the digital.

This is your opportunity to gain an independent, university-level qualification focused on strategic and high-end skills. Not only will you gain practical knowledge of the journalism field, but also the cutting-edge insights needed to build, manage and navigate a career within today's fast-changing media.


Graduates can pursue careers in journalism (newspapers and magazines, print, online and digital), public relations and the creative industries. This degree can also provide transferable skills and knowledge to work across a broad range of professional communications roles and settings.