Our expertise encompasses much of the globe, with over 40 specialists in - for example - medieval Byzantium, colonial India and modern China, as well as ancient Rome, Tudor London, Nazi Germany and much more.

For students, this means that the BA History programme atÊBirkbeck, University of London offers a huge range of modules, stretching around the globe and across thousands of years.

As well as deepening your knowledge of the past, you will take a series of 'How To' modules. They provide the hub where students come together with staff to explore the study of the past together. This is where you join the conversation and develop the skills needed to research and write history.

You will acquire the analytical skills and critical approaches that enable you to assess historical evidence for yourself and to question accepted wisdom about the past as well as enhancing your career prospects by developing the ability to formulate and communicate your own ideas effectively.


Graduates can pursue careers in education, research and journalism. This degree may also be useful in becoming a heritage manager, museum/gallery curator, higher education lecturer or archivist.