• Big data is commonly described as data that is so large that it cannot be readily processed using standard techniques. The current global ability to collect data is such that big data sets are becoming commonplace.
  • The most obvious example of this is the exponential growth of the World Wide Web; however, there are many public and private enterprises where the analysis of large-scale data sets is critical to growth. Although significant computer power exists, the necessary skills-base is lagging behind the technology.
  • There is an employment gap looming in the field of big data, especially in the context of the skills required concerning the application of High-Performance Computing (HPC) capabilities to address big data problems.
  • The MSc in Big Data and High-Performance Computing is designed to address this anticipated skills gap and provide those completing the program with the necessary abilities (abilities which will be highly desirable within the employment market) to address big data-centric problems in the context of HPC.
  • The programme has been designed and operates in close collaboration with the Hartree High-Performance Computing Centre and focuses on the practical application of Big Data and HPC technology.