YouÕll gain a broad understanding of the biomedical science disciplines, while gaining specialised knowledge on how drugs are discovered and developed for human use, and how they can sometimes have unwanted effects.

YouÕll also develop strong practical skills, with laboratory and experimental design modules being an integral part of your degree.

Our tutorial and small group work system is designed to develop essential transferable skills, such as written and oral communication, problem solving and team working skills, alongside pharmacological knowledge.

This Pharmacology, MBiol course at University of Leeds offers you an additional year of specialist research training. YouÕll undertake an extended research project and study advanced research topics.

Course highlights
  • Choice: You will build a solid foundation in core biomedical subjects as well as choose from a wide range of modules to customise your degree to your specialist interests.
  • Flexibility: Common core modules in the first year of many of our courses means you could have the flexibility to transfer onto another related degree course if your interests change or develop.
  • Comprehensive learning: YouÕll be taught through a combination of advanced topics and research skills modules with practical experience in well-equipped teaching and research laboratories.
  • Research experience: The excellent research skills you will develop during your modules and laboratory experience will give you opportunities to contribute to new pharmacological knowledge.
  • Employability: On this course you will gain numerous transferable skills appropriate for the workplace. In addition, you can undertake an industrial placement or study year abroad, a great chance to enhance your university experience and your CV.
  • Accreditation: Our MBiol and BSc with Industrial Placement courses have been awarded advanced accreditation by the Royal Society for Biology.


As well as providing you with subject-specific knowledge, we aim to equip you with the best possible skills for a variety of future careers. All of our degrees have a strong emphasis on practical based teaching, small group teaching, online learning and problem solving.

Throughout the degree, youÕll gain a wide range of transferable skills which are highly valued by employers. Supported by the Leeds for Life scheme and your academic and personal tutor, youÕll be ideally placed to focus on your personal development and make the most of your time at university.

Pharmacology graduates are well qualified for careers in pharmaceutical and other medically related industries, as well as a whole spectrum of professional careers including medicine, dentistry, finance and teaching. Other graduates go on to PhD research and postgraduate medicine.