Nutrition is a fast-moving discipline that focuses on understanding the role of diet in maintaining a healthy human body and the prevention of disease. The curriculum takes into account the scientific, social and ethical considerations that inform the nutrition profession, as set by the professional voluntary register of nutritionists.

This degree is distinctive and provides advantages over other programmes because graduates will not only know the fate of nutrients in the body, and their role in human metabolism, but will also have hands-on knowledge of how to produce safe and nutritious food to industrial standards.

The BSc Nutrition course offered at the University of Leeds is designed to develop understanding of the science underpinning the relationship between food, health and wellbeing. In specialist modules, students will deepen their understanding of the scientific basis of nutritional recommendations for all the population, from infants to the elderly. The relationship between nutrition and physical activity will also be explored in the context of the global obesity problem, including the physiological, psychological and cultural barriers to dietary change.


Throughout the course, there is a strong emphasis on developing scientific knowledge, combined with essential practical, interpersonal and intellectual skills. Graduates will have the knowledge and skills relevant for registration as a qualified Nutritionist, in food companies and other nutrition and health-related industries, providing personalised advice on healthy eating.