YouÕll encounter first-hand the texts and debates that reveal art historyÕs complex legacies, enabling you to understand how art history has found itself increasingly figured within a wider field of cultural formations, and to trace how contemporary problems (intellectual, political and institutional) bear on the ways art history is currently practised.

The History of Art programme is offered by the University of Leeds.

We provide a rigorous framework for you to engage with the most diverse range of artistic practices as they intersect with issues of subjectivity, history, global politics, materiality and memory. We combine a series of optional modules (on topics from medieval art to contemporary capitalism to Ônon-WesternÕ practices), core modules on methodology and advanced research skills, and self-directed research leading to a dissertation on a topic of your own choice.

Specialist facilities

In 2016 the School moves to a new location on campus, offering a fully redesigned and refurbished learning environment in a beautiful listed building complete with professionally laid out studios and versatile exhibition spaces.

The University also incorporates museums and galleries such as the Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery and the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Museum, as well as other performance and exhibition spaces.

The world class Brotherton Library holds a wide variety of archive and early printed material in its Special Collections which are available for use in your independent research. Our other library resources are also excellent, and the University Library offers a comprehensive training programme to help you make the most of them.