Healthcare demand is exceeding supply worldwide and there is a need for radical solutions. Innovative IT approaches are transforming healthcare. Health providers and leading multinationals are investing massively in technology and demand for qualified health informatics professionals is high.

This programme at the University of Leeds has a strong national and international reputation. We are actively engaged in delivering education, skills, research and development to the NHS and a network of national and international software suppliers. As a student on the Masters programme, youÕll be actively involved with us in listening to, and informing, the informatics agenda for health.

YouÕll benefit from our location too. The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is the largest UK hospital trust and Leeds is the headquarters for many Department of Health organisations, such as NHS Digital and NHS England. We also have close relationships with leading health software suppliers based in Leeds, in particular The Phoenix Partnership, providers of SystmOne and ResearchOne.

You can also study this subject at Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate levels.

Career opportunities

Our alumni have successfully secured health informatics roles in healthcare organisations and industry. Students sponsored by their employers to study with us have reported achieving promotion after completing the course.