Innovation can enable firms to achieve superior performance and competitive advantage in the global marketplace. In todayÕs dynamic business environment, managers are challenged to provide innovative ideas for new products, services, markets and business models.

Through a combination of theoretical and practical teaching, you will be equipped to identify the strategies and best management practices that enable firms to implement innovation initiatives. You will also acquire the necessary critical thinking skills to analyse both the benefits and the problems that arise from the globalisation of innovation networks.

The MSc in from University of Leeds is ideal if you wish to gain expertise in leading strategic innovation initiatives, developing new ventures, products and services.

Career opportunities

This masters degree prepares you to lead strategic innovation initiatives in a range of organisations. It is ideal for those seeking a managerial career in industries that have a fast pace of change and a high degree of creativity.

As a graduate of this course, you will be well-equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge, and have the necessary skills to lead innovation.

Thanks to our strong corporate links, we will help you to connect with leading global organisations involved in innovation management, to understand the variety of exciting roles and careers that are available to you as an innovation professional.