Your Year Abroad is fully integrated into your course, so it counts towards your final degree classification, and you take only Masters-level modules during your fourth and final year. Leeds was the first university in the UK to introduce the fully integrated international study year abroad and we have many years experience of working with internationally renowned institutions in North America and Australasia.

The Geophysical Sciences degree at Leeds draws on the expertise and active research of one of the UKÕs largest teams of academic geophysicists. During your degree you will study modules covering all aspects of geophysics such as exploration for hydrocarbons and mineral deposits, monitoring natural hazards, investigating the interior of the Earth and other planets, and measuring the movement and deformation of the Earth's tectonic plates.

In addition to its broad range of geophysics content, the Leeds degree stresses analytic and numeracy skills that are highly valued by geophysics companies, research institutions, and also financial and government departments. All years of study include a strong emphasis on applying your knowledge in the real world through practical hands-on learning and field trips, with a mix of national and international destinations.

Reasons to study Geophysical Sciences, MGeophys at University of Leeds:
  • Major investments in our teaching facilities, including our ground-breaking Earth Visualization Laboratory, and a wide range of geophysical field equipment.
  • A year in the USA, Canada or New Zealand adds real value to your degree Ð broadening your academic horizons and demonstrating a high degree of independence, attributes that are highly valued by prospective employers.
  • This is an ideal degree for students with a strong interest in geophysics research; many of our graduates carry on to PhD studies and research careers.
  • We attract industry sponsorship, and maintain excellent relationships with major companies in the sector such as BP and GETECH. Their developing commercial requirements inform and influence the development of our programme content.
  • Your degree will be accredited by the Geological Society of London, the recognised professional body for geoscientists. An accredited degree is the first step to becoming a Chartered Geologist, which is an increasingly important professional qualification.
  • Leeds is one of the Top 10 Universities in the country for Earth and Marine Sciences (Guardian League Table 2016)