The Fine Art with Museum and Gallery Studies degree at the University of Leeds benefits from our national and international reputation, attracting high calibre, academically able students with a commitment to theoretical and practical research and the ability to develop and process their ideas in collaborative and independent situations, both in practice and writing.

You are introduced to the complex nature of contemporary art practice, in a variety of media, and develop critical and analytical skills. You explore the relationships between contemporary art practice and the histories and traditions of art museums and galleries in parallel with the development of personal studio work. You achieve a broad understanding of the historic and contemporary functions, practices and roles of public and private art galleries and museums and acquire the skills necessary for such study.

The programme allows you to reflect on the changing role and function of the 'art museum', to consider its legacy in the present and to contemplate its role in the future. The programme deepens your understanding of your own art practice by introducing you to the ways in which artworks have been displayed, interpreted, classified and critiqued in the art museum. Our staff have specialist interests in museum, gallery and heritage studies and encourage you to find and follow your own interests both in fine art practice and the history of its display and interpretation.

The programme develops the key skills for employment in the arts, museums, galleries and heritage sectors.

What facilities are available

In 2016, the School moves to a new location on the UniversityÕs inner city campus. The listed building provides a fully redesigned and refurbished learning environment. Among others, it offers professionally laid out studios, versatile exhibition spaces and social areas.

Fine Art facilities include a printmaking workshop with facilities for etching, relief and screen printing, a wet darkroom, and a computer suite with dedicated workstations for offline video editing and other applications. There is also a 3D workshop and fabrication area with a dedicated space for casting

Study abroad opportunities

Students have the opportunity to study abroad for one year by transferring on to our 4-year BA Fine Art with Museum and Gallery Studies (International) programme.