YouÕll develop your artistic practice in well-equipped studios and work towards an exhibition of your own. At the same time, youÕll explore contemporary art, theory and criticism to inform and contextualise your work Ð and youÕll specialise in one area of criticism or theory when you choose from a wide range of optional modules.

The Fine Art programme is offered by the University of Leeds.

In a region full of cultural resources, from The Hepworth Wakefield to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the Henry Moore Institute, youÕll learn from expert researchers and practitioners as well as a host of visiting artists and speakers.

You could explore aesthetics, feminist studies, deconstruction and museum practice Ð and you could even undertake a work placement in a museum, gallery or other cultural institution.

Specialist facilities

In 2016 the School moves to a new location on campus, offering a modern and well-equipped learning environment in a beautiful listed building. YouÕll be able to develop your artistic practice in professionally laid out studio spaces and versatile exhibition spaces.

We have a printmaking workshop on campus with facilities for etching, relief and screen printing, as well as a wet darkroom. Our computer suite has dedicated workstations for offline video editing and other applications. A 3D workshop and fabrication area are also housed within the School, with a dedicated space for casting.

The University incorporates museums and galleries such as the Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery and the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Museum, as well as other performance and exhibition spaces.