At the heart of your degree is the development of an ambitious and creative body of work produced in the studio with the support of artist-lecturers and visiting practitioners. Your portfolio is also informed and enriched by modules in art history, museum and curatorial studies as well as cultural and media theory, and contextualised through a practice-related dissertation. Studio work is complemented by a series of professional practice modules in which you acquire skills that will facilitate working in a wide spectrum of art-related careers.

What facilities are available

In 2016, the School moves to a new location on the UniversityÕs inner city campus. The listed building provides a fully redesigned and refurbished learning environment. Among others, it offers professionally laid out studios, versatile exhibition spaces and social areas.

Fine Art facilities include a printmaking workshop with facilities for etching, relief and screen printing, a wet darkroom, and a computer suite with dedicated workstations for offline video editing and other applications. There is also a 3D workshop and fabrication area with a dedicated space for casting.

Study abroad opportunities

Students have the opportunity to study abroad for up to one year at Level Three by transferring on to our 4-year BA Fine Art (International) programme. A year abroad scheme gives you the opportunity to study at partner universities in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia.