Why study?

The Middle Eastern Studies degree gives you a deep and wide-ranging understanding of the history, politics and culture of the Middle East. . From the early history of the Arabs and Islam to the complex international relations of today, youÕll build your knowledge of the religious, social, cultural and political life of a diverse and fascinating region.

Core modules will build up your knowledge base on the key issues and themes in Middle Eastern studies, but youÕll choose from a range of optional modules to shape a programme that suits you. You can choose from a variety of topics, from Arab cinema to the QurÕan and Islamic legal theory.

You donÕt need to be able to speak Arabic, but youÕre also welcome if you do Ð and at every level of study, you can choose Arabic language modules to develop those skills. You can even try something different by learning Turkish or Persian. Whether you decide to do this or not, youÕll still develop a real insight into the context of communities across the Middle East.

Part-time study

Year one can be studied part-time over two years through the Lifelong Learning Centre. The remaining years will be completed full-time through the School.

Career opportunities

Middle Eastern studies is a rich and engaging subject that will give you deep cultural awareness of a fascinating and complex part of the world. It will also equip you with a variety of transferable skills. YouÕll have strong research skills, and youÕll be able to think critically about the information you find before drawing your own conclusions. YouÕll also be able to communicate your views clearly and defend them in debate Ð all of which are skills in demand from employers.